This Simple Practice Changed my Business

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I love all the amazing opportunities for learning that real estate brings me.  There was a time, when I saw these occasions differently.  I perceived them as conflict, or challenges or, if I am being really honest, at times, a pain in the ass.

One thing I have learned repeatedly in this business is that there is no single right answer and no single wrong answer in any situation.

Getting super curious about what everyone is wanting and needing in a transaction is one of the greatest gifts I can give my clients. 

On more than one occasion, because of asking a lot of questions, my buyers have gone under contract on a home when we were fiscally not the lowest offer.  All because we found out what was most important to the seller.  In one transaction it was simply the seller and buyers same deep love for the huge oak tree in the backyard.

For me, having the ability to see and understand a series of situations, from multiple perspectives, is the key to crafting a solution that works for everyone.

However, on the path to mastery, there are those learning opportunities where no matter how many questions I ask, I can’t find that secret sauce.  I am guessing you have all been there.

No matter what you ask, do, say or offer up, you literally can’t get movement. You seriously feel like you are beating your head against a wall.  Sometimes the situation is with the other side of the transaction and sometimes it is with your client.

All the while, you are feeling the pressure of “keeping the deal together”.

If you have been in the real estate business a while you know that when a deal falls apart, it always works out for the best.  The buyer always ends up finding the right home exactly when they are meant to.  The seller finds the right buyer or ends up not moving yet and things fall into a better more natural order for them.

But what about when you are in that place where it’s still together but there is conflict and angst, and nobody wants to budge?

I am about to share a method I started using a few years ago, that I am certain, you have never heard in a negotiation class, or a CE class.  And I GUARANTEE, if you start using it, it will change your life and your business.

And it is so simple it will blow your mind.

Next time you are feeling any disturbance around a transaction….

Notice, I used the word FEELING…. your chest is tight, your breathing is shallow, you have a pit in your stomach.

STOP what you are doing.  Sit in a quiet space, put your hand on your heart and think about the most loving thing you can.  For me I think back to when my kids were infants and I used to rock them to sleep.  It puts me in the most amazing, loving state.

Once you are in that centered loving space, just simply send that LOVE you are experiencing to the person you THINK is causing the disturbance inside of you.  Just sit there and send them LOVE and light.  And then release the outcome.

BOOM.  Done.

Normally for me the entire process takes less than 5 minutes.  Every single time I have used this technique, I have gotten a call, text, or email within a few hours and the situation has resolved itself.  It is not always what I thought it would or should be, but some sort of resolution is ALWAYS there.

One of my favorite quotes relating to career comes from another one of my spiritual teachers, Marianne Williamson.

“The key to a successful career is realizing that it’s not separate from the rest of your life. But is rather an extension of your most basic self.  And your most basic self is love.”

Try putting the same kind of love you put into your friends and family into this business and watch the miracles unfold.

I can’t wait to hear your stories!

As always thank you for sharing this journey with me.

Sending you all so much love. ❤️




Peace in Uncertain Times


Find your Story